I once found on the internet the RDM software and found it useful.
I’ve created packages for easier installation, but I didn’t write the software. My packaging was published on GitHub but its not maintained anymore; I’m not using the software anymore.

I really need this software , thank you
The following link is a link to a fork of the original RDM on Github. This fork appears to be continuously maintained whereas the original is not. Once on this page just follow the links and you can download.
Nice! And available by `brew install usr-sse2-rdm`
where I can download package ? link is broken ?
I will use this software to make my display look like more big.
Link, please. Can’t seem to download this anywhere.
Hello! Heads up, your certificate just expired. Thanks for the tools.
Link, please. Can’t seem to download this anywhere.
Where do I download this software?
Check this for some old downloads ➔ https://web.archive.org/web/20220824124725/https://avi.alkalay.net/software/RDM/
can not install in M1 mac
Where do I download this software?
Link, please. Can’t seem to download this anywhere.