Pop music as Bossa Nova album series

Here are some album series (large collection of albums) with very popular songs interpreted in a Bossa Nova style.

They are good for ambient music or simply to relax and enjoy. The links are to the MusicBrainz database of the full list of albums and their songs with credits, follow for your music streaming service form there.

One thought on “Pop music as Bossa Nova album series”

  1. @doomed_poet_666 comments on an Instagram post:

    Indeed, the recent reappreciation of vinyl is not rooted in the format’s technical superiority but in the pursuit of a sensory and ritualistic experience that transcends mere acoustic fidelity. Rather than an optimization of sound, the act of collecting, handling, and playing records responds to an almost liturgical fascination with the materiality of music—an analog fetishism that finds its delight in the very imperfections of the medium. It is an exercise in nostalgic romanticism, comparable to those who invest in elaborate coffee stations to brew an espresso that, ultimately, is not significantly superior to that of an automatic machine, yet whose preparation becomes an essential part of the pleasure.

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